Get ready for mischief with Fib®, a game for liars and thieves that’s full of hilarious deceit!

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It’s your lucky day! Reserve your Print-and-Play copy of Fib® before everyone else and start deceiving your friends today!

Craft Epic Lies and Hilarious Stories

Fib® is the ultimate exercise in imagination. Weave your tales of deceit with the cards in your hand, embellishing and lying as needed. Every game unfolds a unique, side-splitting narrative!

Quick to Learn, Difficult to Master

Fib® offers a simple gameplay format that even newbies can understand in minutes. Yet, perfecting your ability to deceive or catch your friends in a fib can be a rewarding lifelong quest!

Perfect for Social Gatherings

Whether it's a casual get-together or a lively party, Fib® is designed to bring your group closer. Revel in laughter, creativity, and surprise in every game!

The Art of Cunning Theft

Fib® is not just about lying! Show off your sneaky side by claiming Story cards as Fib cards for extra points. But beware; a sharp-eyed accuser might just catch you in the act!

Endless Replayability

No two games of Fib® are the same. With endless combinations of Fib and Story cards, your tales of trickery and theft will be uniquely hilarious every time you play.

Get an exclusive Print & Play!

It’s your lucky day! Reserve your Print-and-Play copy of Fib® before everyone else and start deceiving your friends today!

How to Play Fib:


Setup & Storytelling 🎭:

  • Deal five cards to each player and determine the starting Storyteller.
  • Choose three cards, sequence them on the Storyboard, and tell a story, improvising where needed.


Listening & Accusing 🕵️:

  • Call “Pass” if you believe the story or “Fib” to accuse a card of falsehood.
  • Gain points for successful Fib identification or defending against false accusations.


Winning 🏆:

  • Continue passing the Storyboard and playing rounds.
  • First to ELEVEN points wins, or end early with the highest points as the winner.

Get an exclusive Print & Play!

It’s your lucky day! Reserve your Print-and-Play copy of Fib® before everyone else and start deceiving your friends today!